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Thanks to Sven Christiansen plc for the photograph

Senior HR consulting

Business improvement


Business solutions

An organisational health diagnostic revealed systemic culture and performance problems. Multiple linkages demonstrated that new ways of managing individuals and teams were required. Outcome: significant organisational change implemented as part of a wider turnaround programme.

A global private equity house wanted additional, independent due diligence on a multinational acquisition. Working with the target company's senior management in South America and Europe, Keeldeep Associates conducted an organisational health diagnostic and more than 20 structured interviews. Outcome: new insights informed how to proceed with organisational improvement, leadership capability, succession and acquisition integration.

A UK plc needed to split the role of executive chairman and replace with a CEO and a non-executive chair. Keeldeep Associates worked closely with the Senior Independent Director to run the selection process for the new NED Chair and advised on remuneration structures for the new CEO. Outcome: New Chair appointed within three months, CEO remuneration structure fully defined.

A global venture capital company wanted to improve its investment success rate, following at least one failure. Working with senior partners in the USA, Europe and the Far East, Keeldeep Associates designed a full suite of leadership and management due diligence questions. These augmented deep data analytics with a much fuller understanding of target company human capital. Outcome: better investment decisions, informed by better understanding of leadership capability.

A global automotive manufacturer and brand leader needed to standardise leadership selection processes. Keeldeep Associates designed and delivered an advanced interview toolkit with questions aligned with seven competency levels across multiple global leadership criteria. Outcome: a clearer, common structure, better compliance, better hires, higher performance.

An investment bank's legal and tax teams needed a clearer structure. Working with the bank’s General Counsel, Keeldeep Associates designed a simple hierarchy of roles based on capsule job descriptions, highlighting core competencies for each and the level of expected performance. Outcome: clarity to attract, motivate, develop and retain highly skilled talent.

A UK FTSE250 plc engaged Keeldeep Associates to review its reward structures and make recommendations for long term incentives. Advising the group CEO and HRD, we presented clear recommendations to the Remuneration Committee: membership, quantum and performance conditions. Outcome: board paper accepted and actioned; equity awards made.

The Chair of a regulator was seeking re-appointment for a further term of office. An appraisal process required an independent 360-degree feedback exercise. Keeldeep Associates designed and ran this, taking input from internal and external stakeholders. The full analysis was consolidated into a clear report. Outcome: Chair reappointed by the Privy Council.

A professional institution engaged Keeldeep Associates to advise on process and join the selection panel to appoint a new Chair of the board. Working with the company secretary, CEO and President a fair, consistent interview process led to a clear outcome: new chair appointed.

The HR Director of a major financial services institution wanted guidance on organisation design. Keeldeep Associates acted as a sounding board, providing examples from different sectors. A new design was implemented, providing new focus, clearer reporting lines and freeing up time for more strategic work. Outcome: improved leadership, delegation and effectiveness.

The CEO of a plc 5,000 headcount service business wanted external guidance to address poor perceptions of reward. Over a six month period a team was guided not just on what to do, but how to manage stakeholders and implement sustainable change. The key focus was on knowledge transfer. Outcome: improved reward focus, higher engagement, lower attrition.


Advising organisations on

  • HR Strategy
  • Reward strategy
  • Organisational health diagnostics
  • Organisation redesign and development
  • HR programme management
  • Change programme delivery
  • Ethical audit



  • Individual
  • Client centric
  • Bespoke
  • Your solution not ours



  • Board level
  • Remuneration committee
  • Appointments committee
  • Executive committee
  • Group HR Director
  • Business consulting